A proposal towards Collaboration on Ceramic artworks
My works consist of a pair or two walnut fruits and shells.
Since a walnut can be divided into two separate shells, the term 'a
pair' refers to two halved shells. The fruit of walnut resembling human
brain is a mass. Such things can be matched into pairs and arranged.
Or I have plans on putting liquid into one half of the empty shells
since the other half would be filled with walnut fruit. The work I sent
last time, is a photo of the work with rough coloring that seems a little
grotesque. I mixed jade color and pink color to arouse somewhat discomforting
feelings. The color of the shells could be changed into any different
colors. Of course, it will be intense and ominous coloring resembling
those of poisonous creatures (such as toadstools). The motives of my
work are based on, as I had written in my last letter' the following
idea. As far as I think, my opinion is that in the world of creatures,
animalistic factors and botanical factors are not completely divided
into two. Rather, they correspond, respond, cope with and resemble one
another and not only that, they represent-direct and make pairs with
each other, creating something I should call 'the effect of affection'.
Our culture understood such factor and the outcome came as the notion
of <Sin-toh-bul-i: meaning, man and earth are not separated but connected
together into one> that sees the relationship between <the medicine
and the illness> to be co-related. Or, such understanding has developed
into alternative medicine called "homeotherapy" which makes
medical use of similarities between forms of living creatures or objects.
For instance, there is a herb called 'Woo-seul-cho: meaning, cow's knee
plant' which was named as such because it looks like the knee structure
of cows and it is also used as herbal medicine for arthritis. Furthermore,
medicine and poison, beauty and ugliness, prettiness and grossness correspond
to one another, bearing some sort of similitude. Animalistic factor
and botanical factor do not stay far away from each other dualistically,
but they connote and long for each other, and in some cases, circulate.
For example, growing parts in our body such as hair, fingernails and
even bone structure take its form from plants. My interest in circle
of lives and forms that turn insects of winter into plants in summer
is based on such characteristics of life.
Or, as <National Geographic> has broadcasted one day, there are
rocks dug from some regions that when halved, its cross section resembled
the landscape of the region. Isn't this a proof of that the notion and
phenomenon of Sin-toh-bul-i can be projected in inorganic matter as
well? The thought that living things or inorganic matters somehow resembles
or bears characteristics of the region they grew or stayed, I think,
would mean that animalistic or botanic characteristics are not divided
into specific and unique structures of their own but, one characteristics
going through segmentations. Is this rather experimentative thought?
Such theory arguing estrangements on nature..
The interest with those factors in its background, is reflected through
a fruit of a plant called walnut, that resembles brains of animals or
testicles bearing seeds of human beings, suggesting 'the theory of estranging'
upon the general theory with rather botanical hint, and I propose to
realize such forms since such theme is worth working on with the ceramic
artists there. ( Note; This plan was altered with 'Fried Eggs' series
of works due to required conditions were not met. It is shown as "para-sites"
living upon various corners of exhibit chambers in Albisola museum of
art. )
Sin-toh-bul-i ; The notion is originated from the medical book of
"Dong-ui-boh-gham" written by Heo Joon. He stated that all
living organisms is in fateful relationship with the place it is born
within. In narrow sense, it means that medicine for a person originates
from the region where he got the illness. In broader sense, the notion
means that all creatures should be living based on food produced on
the environment it is living within and that should lead them to maintain
Homeotherapy; This was also originated from western culture.
The principle that similarities bear similarities is applied all the
same in homeotherapy. It means that the result resembles its cause.
There are many types of incantation but homeotherapic incantation or
imitative incantation seeks to avoid one's fate by switching real disaster
to fake disaster practised. So to say, the term 'Aek-Tam: meaning, the
happening of small bad incidents prevent the happenings of upcoming
worse incidents ' should be seen to be based on such thoughts. Or, there
also are forms of voodoo that wishes evil things to happen to a person
by practising evil things to puppets or pictures of the person. 2003
, myung-seop hong