Cordyceps (ÔÏõùù¾õ®) Project
Cordyceps, Work in the Summer of 2001, or Later, Metamorphosis
toward the Winter
Yi-hyeun-ryeong Bi-hyeun-ryeong (ì¼úØÖÂÞ¬úØÖÂ): Metamorphosis
of Parameters For my work, neither place nor time exists
as the only substance. Instead, just like yi-hyeun-ryeong,
bi-hyeunryeong, being amorphous or the continuous metamorphosis
is what count. When self-reference, or self-identification
is not present, everything is capable of becoming anything---such
anamorphosis of norms.
Being capable of representing, seeming represented, deceiving
representation, in discordance with representation, dismantling
representation, being anything, yet, being nothing, and
because of this, can not be the representation of the whole,
or overturning all those directing and those being directed
over and over again, and in this confusion of anagrams and
anamorphoses, our eyes can be blind more than any other
organs of our body. |
The Politics of Mimicry and Anamorphosis of Parasitism
*Cordyceps: Literally refers to being a worm during winter
and being a plant during summer. The name cordyceps is given for
its special combination of animal and plant characteristics. The
¡®cordyceps¡¯ fungus is parasitic on the insect larvae and grows
gradually by absorbing nutrients of its host.
The word ¡®cordyceps¡¯ can be used as a metaphor. It implies ¡®winter
and summer¡¯, which represents circulation of yin and yang, and
confrontation of seasons; the polar opposite and harmony; suggestive
of the dual concept of life and death constituting one body. Just
like being impossible to place a greater value on one side or
the other, just like encompassing, and thereby neutralizing alienation
and confrontation, and denial and compromise, there is a will
in search of horizontality like flowing water. It harbors a dream
of deviation, not seeking contentment, or constancy. While embracing
the alienation on earth, there is a ceaseless flow toward wider
and lower.
*The Politics of Zebra: Camouflage
Warning pattern (image of being), concealing pattern (image of
non-being), camouflage pattern (image of mimicry).
The politics of zebra pattern makes no distinction between being,
non-being and mimicry, proving elusiveness of being. Everything
becomes simulacres, which is mimicking themimicry. The zebra-pattern
republic is opened up through the politics of image before being
closed through the politics of camouflage. Note: Most of the creatures
taking on warning colors have venom, but quite a few that have
no venom camouflage themselves with such colors. In other words,
they are camouflaging themselves as the image of the other of
the other----.
Exhibition Plan: The works can be arranged and installed
wherever and whenever as intended, whether inside or outside
of the exhibition hall, or in the veranda. And they are displayed
in a wide spectrum of locations through cutting in, parasitizing,
hanging, lying across, resting on, piling up, and proceeding
and hiding.
Materials & Techniques
Bring zebra-pattern clothes, leaf mold, saw dust, cotton, and
so on to where it will be exhibited to begin work or bring them
after work has been proceeded to some extent.
Have the plants cultivated beforehand and the plants cultivated
at the site grow on the zebra-pattern clothes or transplant
myung -seop hong
cordyceps series
leaf mold, plants,patterned cloth
30¡¿160¡¿40cm |
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